The Glory of the Living God

The Glory of the Living God...

Last night, a group of brothers and sisters came together to pray. We had no other agenda but to pray and to welcome the Holy Spirit to move in the place as He pleases.

We began by praying in tongues. A few of us led in prayers and welcomed the Holy Spirit to speak through us and intercede as He pleases. Very soon, we began to quieten down as we rested and stayed still in our Lord's presence. After a while, we all began to pray in tongues again and began to pray loudly and with tears flowing down our faces.

What followed was a stream of the Lord's Almighty presence which swept over the room. I will let the other brothers and sisters share their experiences with you. I will share with you my experiences.

During the gathering, Anne spoke particualr words over different people. She also spoke particular words over my life, and I found them to be truly amazing. In response to what God had said through Anne, I knelt down before God and spoke in my heart and audibly to myself (I spoke wholeheartedly with every part of my being focused on what I was about to say with willingness, obedience and full submission to the Lord), I said that I am here to be Your hands and Your feet O Lord. I am here to serve all people. Whether they be big things or small things, I would be here to serve the Living God and His people. I thanked the Lord and opened my heart and life to God to be used by God.

As I knelt down to pray this prayer, I felt that my whole body was extending and protruding so that my arms and legs were stretched. As I did this, I felt a strong heaviness press down upon my whole body. My face was pressed onto the floor with my nose squished onto the carpet. My arms, legs, chest, stomach, just my whole body was pressed down heavily. I could not move. I layed pressed onto the ground experiencing the weight, heaviness and the glory of the living God. I stayed in this position for a long time. I don't exactly know when I began to lay there (I think it was about 11:00pm, but need to check with the others who were in the room to confirm). I was only able to get up at about 12:34am.

During the time I was on the floor, I tried a few times to get up. With all my strength, I would try and lift myself up from the floor. But it was no use, none of my body could be lifted. It was like I was glued to the floor, with a really really really heavy weight placed above me. I could only move my head slightly to turn my head from left to right and face down to change the position of my head. Eventually, at about 12:20am, my feet and ankle were able to move. And then slowly and gradually, different parts of my body were able to move. First my feet, then my lower leg, then my hands, then my arms, then my whole leg, and eventually my chest, stomach (centre part of my body) was able to move again. I then tried to stand up, but the weight was still there. I tried to stand up to my feet with all my strength, but it was no use. So I sat there a little longer until I could stand up.

Wow, our God is truly amazing. Truly, truly amazing!!! I really do not know what to say. He is a real and living God. Quite often, we can use words to describe our experiences and feelings, but when it comes to expressing our experiences in God, we are limited in our vocabulary. Praise the Lord for His glory and His power and His grace. He is truly amazing.

God Bless everyone!


    On June 07, 2008 L said...

    hehe you forgot to mention that you got drunk too :)

    I learnt a few things.
    1) God's got a sense of humour
    2) God's also really heavy

    I'm always amazed at how you get touched by God so greatly :P

    God bless bro!


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