My Greatest Love is You

Where to begin...

I can begin by saying what is at the heart of this message...
My Greatest Love is You...

There are songs and words that can express love; there are actions and thoughts that can express love. But all these don't really mean much when you cannot express this love to someone or something. To whom or to what is the 'object' of love that you are bringing to?

A thought came to my mind one day when I was going about my daily work. I was thinking, the worship songs that we sing and play music to unto the Lord may seem quite strange to someone who does not know who we are actually singing the songs to. I mean lyrics like...

'I worship you'; 'There is none like you'; 'I'm hungry for you'; 'Lover of my soul'; 'Deeper in love with You'; 'to feel Your heart and know Your mind, looking in Your eyes stirs up within me'..

I remember when I first went to Church in 2004, (I went because a lot of my high school friends went as well) it came to the time of worship. I would sing along with the songs, but whenever it came to words such as 'God', 'Jesus', 'Spirit', 'Son of God', I would be silent and not sing until those words were skipped over. I did not know who Jesus and God was, and I did not see why I need or should sing songs to them and say that I love them and cannot live without them. I thought stubbornly to myself, I am not going to sing those words.

You see, the same worship song that we sing can lose its significance and purpose when we do not know why and to who we are singing it to. If we do not know the 'object' to whom we are singing to and for, then the song will be quite empty, with just words and melody.

Who is your greatest love? Do you know why you sing the song that you sing when you worship? Do you know to who you are singing the song to? Are you just singing with words from your mouth, or are you pouring out your heart as you sing each word and play each note. That each note or each word that you sing is your heart's expression to the love that you have for the person that you are singing to.

We really have received such a wonderful gift and it is really by God's grace and His love for us that we can worship to someone who we know personally and have experienced in our life. As God has kindly and graciously revealed Himself to us, we can now worship and sing with the revelation of to who and why we worship.

Let us reveal this Person who loves us so dearly to those who are around us. This person who loves us so much that He died in our place. That though He was pure, blameless, just, and holy in every way, yet He took all our uncleanliness and infirmities and transgressions upon Himself for us that we may become clean, righteous, and pure. This Person who saves and heals is waiting for you to reveal Him to others around you. Let us share this wonderful gift to the people who are around us.

My Greatest Love is You... Jesus

I would like to share the following song with all of you. The song is called, 'My Greatest Love is You.' It really touched my heart immensely when I was worshipping with this song. I could not stop crying. I only have the lyrics here with me. If you would like to listen to the song, feel free to tap me on the shoulder and I will sing this song to you personally :-) God Bless everyone!

Every new day, Your Glory unfolds
Filling my eyes, with Your treasures untold
The beauty of holiness brings worship anew
My greatest love is You
Call me deeper into Your grace
The River that flows from the Holy Place
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You


    On June 04, 2008 L said...

    Awesome post henhen!

    I love that song too :D

    All the way brother!!

    On June 06, 2008 Aaron said...

    AMEN! Every word you say I'll grasp and absorb it like a sponge.

    Just as you described, no better words to describe His love, but theres one way! Show it by modeling Him!



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