Dear Brothers in Christ,

I would like to share with you all my experience at the Spiritual Encounter.

I would like to begin by saying, "PRAISE THE LORD". How awesome are His works and how deep is His love. Now for the testimony :-)

On Sunday morning when Anne preached about 'Sharing God's Vision', I felt that the message was filled with the Spirit from the beginning to the end. For myself, the words that she spoke touched my heart and I could feel the Spirit stirring inside of me, responding to the words that were spoken. When she said that souls are dying and that if we don't make a move quickly to save those who are dead in sin, then the devil will get to them and take them down with him to hell. Souls are dying out there, what are we doing to save them. We were saved not to enjoy life, we were saved so that we can save others.

When these words were spoken, I felt a sharp pain in me, a loud cry was rising up in me to respond to those words. It was in deep agreement with the words that were spoken, and tears started to stream down my face. Liquid started to flow out of my nose (you know, the runny nose liquid... I don't know what to call them) and I was squashing my book up due to the mixture of pain, outcry and heaviness that was in my heart. I could feel that the liquid in my nose was going to reach the floor soon, but I did not wipe it off because the experience in my heart was too heavy. Suddenly I felt a movement next to me, and I realised that my brother, Aaron had reached across to stop the liquid from touching the floor. I nodded at him (a sign of appreciation) and took the tissue from him and blew part of the liquid out of my nose.

As Anne continued to give the message, I remembered something that LawLaw had said to me that morning during our prayer time. He said that when he was asking God about what to say to me, the words 'faster... faster...' kept repeating itself. He said that I am in a race and God wants me to move faster for Him and with Him. Not to slow down or stop, but to move faster and faster. God will be with me until the end of the race. I need to move faster.

So as I remembered what Lawlaw had said and related to what Anne had preached about, in my heart I know that there are souls out there waiting to be saved. I need to reach to them and save them before the devil brings them down with him. The Lord is with me and we will work together. May I not slow down in doing my Lord's will and not stop in serving Him and bringing His Gospel to those who are around me until the Day when I see Him face to face. Then will I know that the race has finished and that I have done what the Lord has called me to do.

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?'
And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'" (Isaiah 6:8)

God bless brothers! May the love and the grace of our Lord be with you always!


    This group is moving fast, the Church is moving fast, leaders are popping up like flowers from the ground.

    And the best part of all, we can move even faster, growing even faster. Praise the Lord for the things yet to come.

    On April 28, 2008 Eddie said...

    What you said about moving faster and faster... it reminds of what Aaron said a few YAF meetings ago.

    His vision was that he was walking along a corridor lined with doors. And the doors were experiences/gifts that were part of our walk. Jesus led him to the first door and he opened it. And there was a gift/experience and he spent some time there to enjoy it. But when he looked down the corridor, Jesus was beckoning him to the next door. By now though Jesus was a few doors a ahead.

    Then by the time he had finished at the next door. Jesus was yet further calling him... and he felt the urgency to move on faster.

    On May 05, 2008 Su said...

    henry, a song for you

    "Redeemer" by PlanetShakers

    My Jesus is better
    Than anything in this world
    He loves me, I love Him
    So I give Him everything

    He gave His life for me

    My Saviour
    Is living in me
    JESUS He set me free

    He's living in my heart
    He gave me a new start
    I asked Him, He came in
    And washed away all my sin

    He gave His life for me
    He died to set me free

    If You can use anything
    Won't You use me
    Take me and break me and
    Mould me and make me
    You died for me
    So I'm living for You
    I'm living for You
    I'm living for You

    Jesus He set me free


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