My Encounter

Praise God! I write in this journal because God has told me too. He said to me

"Journal your encounters with me in a Blog"

"And you must also testify about me because you have been with me from the beginning of my ministry.
John - 15:27

My faith before spiritual encounter 2008 was weak. Every time I sinned, I would repent half heartedly, not knowing how truly bad the sins in my life was. I thought I was in Gods graces. How wrong was I! How terrible if I did not come to this encounter and did not receive the convictions. A life of sins and not truly repenting.

The lead up to this encounter was powerful. My broken family, a terrible experience and pain - burdened me and held me back from a powerful relationship with the Lord. My relationship with my Mum was cold. I would never meet with her, I would never call her, I would not even think about her welfare. All I felt was how bad she hurt me and my family, how she took away my happiness. My thinking was "I forgive her in my heart, and that is enough. That's enough to honour her". I would meet up with her once a week or 2 weeks due to arrangements, but my conversations with her were dead end.


However this all changed a week before encounter. God revealed to me I should love my Mum with all my heart. SEE her physically, call her and be concerned about her, SHOW HER LOVE. Yes Yes, I was convicted! Praise God. I called up Mum for lunch and talked to her with love. Our relationship was healed by forgiveness.

During Encounter, Repentance alter call was HUGE. It opened my eyes to all my sin, all the small sins I thought did not count (laziness) are HUGE in God's eyes. I confessed and cried out, speaking in tongues asking for forgiveness. Then Uncle Alex placed his hand on me and whispered a message from the Lord "You are Forgiven"

After the alter call had finished, brother Aaron smiled walking towards me. He said to me God had spoken to him to pass a message to me.

"Son, The forgiveness that you have comes from me and with it, you can heal and strengthen your relationships and family"

"... But you are a God of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and abandon them." - Nehemiah 9:17

"...But even greater is God's wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ" - Romans 5:15

"you can be sure that whoever brings that sinner back will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins." - James 5:20

PRAISE GOD! He spoke the words to me, CALLED ME SON! He accepted me and the presence of the holy spirit was burning inside my heart. My family would be saved. Mum, Dad, Kevin, Andrew and myself.

This is only my first conviction. There will be many more revelations to share when my faith grows from strength to strength.

I love you Lord!


    On April 28, 2008 Henry said...

    Heya Marcus,

    Great testimony that you shared bro. Praise the Lord for the words that He has spoken to you. Continue to dig deep into His presence, and enjoy being with Him.

    God Bless bro!

    On May 06, 2008 L said...

    wow, as i was reading your testimony i felt shivers down my spine. Amen brother! Powereful experience u had there :)


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