Preaching about Boldness

Hello all,

A few things has happened since Miracle Encounter, and I would like to testify about them. During Miracle Encounter, Pastor Judith always reminded us to read the bible and make it our foundation of truth. I decided to put that into practice.

Pro 28:1

THE wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion.

I remembered the weeks leading up the Miracle Encounter the church had a prayer walk. The prayer walk is a group of people going into the streets of Adelaide and praying for those who need salvation, claiming back territories for God, and inviting them to Miracle Encounter so they can be healed. This was my first experience of a prayer walk, so I was paired up with Henry who is an expert at this. During the walk down Rundle Mall, we would try to find any sick people we could see, and where ever the Holy Spirit told us to go. Henry suggested we take turns in approaching people, to build up my BOLDNESS. As we walked, I observed Henry's actions and how he talked to random people. He was very natural; asking them general questions, and would slowly move the conversation to Jesus. He was successful in getting a positive response from them, praise God.

Now it was my turn, Henry would give me pointers like "Marcus, it is important not to bible-bash them, don't throw bible bombs and hurt them." I was beyond nervous, as I have never talked randomly to strangers before, especially about Jesus. My mind was thinking "How on earth did Henry do this so smoothly, this is crazy they won't accept what I have to say". My thoughts turned into reality as time after time the people I approached rejected me straight away or felt immediately awkward. I was already running away from what I was called to do.

My weakness was timidity. I wanted to change it. I wanted to be bolder.

Psa 138:3

In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul.

It was a few days after Miracle Encounter which I decided I would change my weakness. I searched the scriptures anywhere the word "Bold" was mentioned. I printed out a list of over 10 scriptures and stuck it my bedroom wall. I began to study them diligently, learning how bold we are all suppose to be and how we are suppose to apply this boldness. Let me start with the scripture from

Phl 1:20

according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.

Notice it says with all boldness, AS ALWAYS. We are called to be bold at all times as Christ is to be magnified in our bodies. Live boldly, and die boldly.

1Jo 4:17

Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.

Again this scripture only backs up Phil 1:20. We are to be as Bold as Jesus in this world. The love of Jesus is perfect in US, not just our church leaders, but you and me. Knowing this, we have another reason to be bold as Christ is.

2Cr 7:4

Great is my boldness of speech toward you, great is my boasting on your behalf. I am filled with comfort. I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation.

This is my favourite scripture about Boldness because it gives us an instruction how to use our boldness. We are to Boldly speak, boast and be comforted. For those who don't know, tribulation means difficult times or problems we face. So why does it say we are to be EXCEEDINGLY joyful while we have difficult times? I didn't make sense to me until I read this verse:

Rom 5:1 -4

1 THEREFORE, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Tribulation ( Difficult times) turns into Perservence (Endurance) turns into Character (strength of character) which finally ends with Hope (hope in salvation). As you can see, we boldly speak toward our Lord Jesus under all circumstances as it leads to hope even during the worst times.

I was also confused why we are to have glory during our difficult times. However after reading more scripture we can see why.

2Cr 3:7 - 12

7 But if the ministry of death, written [and] engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which [glory] was passing away, 8 how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? 9 For if the ministry of condemnation [had] glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory. 10 For even what was made glorious had no glory in this respect, because of the glory that excels. 11 For if what is passing away [was] glorious, what remains [is] much more glorious. 12 Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech—

If you remember when Moses met with God on Mount Sinai for 14 days and nights, his face shone like the sun to the point where the Israelites had to put a veil to cover the brightness. However the glory faded over time. We have Christ living inside us, a glory which remains and excels that of Moses. So we are to be shining as brightly as the sun, literally. Because we have such glory of the father inside of us, we can Boldly speak.

Act 4:29 - 31

29 "Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, 30 "by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus." 31 And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

Another example of how boldness is used. This is not only an example, it is a task which I have aimed for in my walk with God. I want to be bold enough to speak the Word of God in the streets, and stretch my hand to heal so that signs and wonders may be done in Jesus name. It is a goal which we must all aim for. I would like to ask the readers how bold you are right now? Are you bold enough to lay your very life down for Christ? Are you bold enough to heal the sick, strangers who walk past you in the streets? Are you bold enough to answer God's calling and preach and heal?

If you want to be bold like Christ, I shall return to the scripture.

Psa 138:3

In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul.

Miracle Encounter Post Day 4

I would like to start of by quoting John 14:13-14

"13 - And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 - If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do [it]."

For those reading, stop and think about this verse. I knew this verse before when I first became a Christian, but it was the first time the weight of the verse hit me. I had to meditate on the passage over and over, and praise God for how generous he is with his love and mercy. We can ask for all the blessings of heaven to come flowing into our bodies. Sickness? - healed, demonised? - rebuked, poor? - be rich, lonely? - God's kingdom is your new family, sad? - rejoice in being saved, stressed? - do not worry about tomorrow because God has a plan for you and it will be glorious.

Somehow, there is a new security knowing how much God loves me, and his promises are always kept.

I want to explain about Kevin's healing. After the events of yesterday, Kevin checked his sugar level at 3.00am in the morning. His sugar level was 14, quite high. He then went back to sleep and checked it again in the morning - it was 6. After eating breakfast it jumped back to 14.

From all these facts, we can see a sceptic would say Kevin is not healed. Now lets look at this biblically. Last night when Leon and Kevin prayed for healing of the diabetes, he got a 10. Kevin then got prayed over by David, Henry and myself. We asked that Jesus restore his pancreas and rebuke any sickness in Jesus name. He checked his sugar level again and it was 5. God purposely showed us something impossible by dropping a sugar reading of 10 to a 5 in a matter of minutes. It did bring glory to God, and our prayers were answered. Let me confirm at this stage, Kevin is already healed.

So why did his sugar rise the next day? Kevin's body has a brand new pancreas and it is getting adjusted to its new body. It will slowly release new insulin into his body, balancing his sugar levels over time. Another way of looking at it is plucking a leaf of a tree. The leaf has lost connection from the branch, but it still looks green. Over time, the leaf will wither and die. Just like Kevin's diabetes, it will wither away and die, allowing the healing to be seen in full glory to God.

As for my family's reaction, look at John 9. The blind man was healed and the Pharisees called his parents to confirm he was blind from birth. Did the parents start praising God straight away for healing their son? No they did not.

Jhn 9:20
His parents answered them and said, We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind:
Jhn 9:21
But by what means he now seeth, we know not; or who hath opened his eyes, we know not: he is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself.

Kevin can speak for himself to everybody that he is healed.

I will continue this post later, because receiving a holy oil annointing and blogging will take quite some time.

Miracle Encounter Post Day 3


So many miracles happened right before my eyes. A very old woman, deaf in one ear got healed! Her reaction was so full of joy, she rejoiced and gave everybody a hug and praised JESUS. Another man, who could not move his arms started to move them! A little girl with a disease which prevented her from moving her fingers could move them! That woman from the first night who started walking on Thursday, can now jump up and down. Eye sight was fully restored! So many more miracles I can't list them all!

However the greatest miracle to happen for me was the miracle of Kevin's health. He had diabetes for 2 years and had to endure injects into the stomach before breakfast lunch and dinner every day. He also had to prick his finger for blood to check his sugar level. Today, Leon and Kevin prayed for their healing. They went to check their sugar reading and the result was Leon "6.2 - healed" Kevin "10.2 - not yet". Kevin came to me and I quickly asked him what his reading was. After knowing he was not yet fully healed, I asked David and Henry to help me pray for Kevin. We layed hands on him and prayed for absolute healing, rebuking sickness in Jesus name. I quickly rushed Kevin to a quiet area and had his sugar level re-checked: 5.2. For those who don't know, it is impossible to a person's sugar level to drop that fast.

PRAISE THE LORD HE HAS HEALED MY LITTLE BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had him rechecked again after 30 minutes had gone up: 6.2 (still at healthy level). We drove back home to prove to my dad he had been healed: 5.5 (PRAISE GOD). Kevin will be checking his sugar level throughout the night and in the morning.

There is a joy in my heart which I cannot contain. I cannot write all that happened today because I learnt so much, I experienced so much, I TASTED so much of God. I literally burst into tears when I saw he was healed. My other family members are still sceptical, but I don't care. Jesus has set Kevin free of sickness. I thank God for all he is, such a loving merciful God. Joy for all those who share the same excitement and wonderment. God is my healer!
Praise God, Praise God,

Tonight was life changing for me, not because of the miracles, but because of the things God said to me through Pastor Victor. Before the encounter, I wanted my family to be saved and healed so badly. I wanted my dad to see the miracles performed in front of his very own eyes so he would know how real our God is. Even after he witnessed these things, he does not want to come to any more miracle encounters. I was worried about my father's salvation. However, I know my dad's salvation is not my burden. And Pastor Victor said something very clear today, that God does not need to show off his power. It is only by his mercy and love he does the things he does. God can transform anybody heart's instantly, giving them new ones. I do not need to worry about my family, as God is already using them in his plan. I learnt that I need to focus on my own walk with God, rather than everybody else's.

God will take care of the ones I love, because he loves them more than I do.

It is God's will that I can walk, talk, see and hear. It is God's will I can do anything as I am his perfect creation. Pastor Victor used an example of stomping his feet to the ground. The Lord spoke to him and said that it is by His will, that Pastor Victor can move his feet at all. So what can't God do? If God made the heavens and the earth - then what God cannot do? It is easy to heal somebody, because it is God's nature to restore that person to full health. God does not hold back his power, nor does he enjoy their suffering.

Kevin's sugar level appeared like a diabetic today. He was high after each meal, and low after taking his insulin shots. However there is a seed of healing inside him. A seed which is watered by faith and grown by God. His sugar levels will decrease in time, and he will be a great testimony to those who knew him as a diabetic. For my vitiligo - I have been rubbing it and it claiming by faith I am already healed.

At the end of the service, Pastor Victor annoited the whole crowd with God's awesome power. I didn't feel a massive surge of power going through my body like some may have, I didn't feel the ground shake, or the wind howling. But my faith isn't based on feelings. I received the annoiting to change the city of festivals into the city of churches once again. NLCC is going to radically change whole of SA. Can I get an AMEN from those who got annoited?

Today was not about miracles signs and wonders. It was about the heart of God. The lessons I learnt about today will stay with me forever as I walk with God. I am not the shepard of my family, God is. Amen

Miracle Encounter Post Day 1

Praise you Lord, for the things I have seen with my own eyes, for the things I have heard with my own ears, and for the miracles I have tasted.

I am posting this so I can always look back and remember what God has shown me today. 2 anointed pastors Victor and Judith came to NLCC, and performed signs and wonders in front of a packed church.

My role for today was camera man. As I was video taping, I noticed how pastor Victor would heal. He would first ask them what they want. They would respond and he explain to them that God made them. This was a very important point, as he said it to almost all the people he talked to. When they understood this concept, he said it was easy for God to restore them. He commanded them to walk if they were lame, talk if they were mute, and see if they were blind. Sometimes the people who needed healing didn't get healed instantly, instead Pastor Victor would move on to the next person, and they come back again when the spirit prompted him to.

The greatest of all the miracles I thought was the lame woman walking. Apparently, she was a police woman and was shot. Since then, she had suffered a lot and had to move in a wheel chair. Pastor Victor healed her in the start of the service. It happened so quickly and suddenly, like she was a normal person. She walked around for a while and the smile on her face was so joyful. Truly God is amazing.

Another miracle was my university friend Andrew who came with his mum. Andrew has been a long time friend, and a Christian. I was so filled with joy when pastor Victor approached him and asked him what he wanted. He got his back pains healed, and he had a prophetic word spoken over him. The devil was saying to him that he would never achieve anything in life. However that is a lie, and God is going to do great things using Andrew. His mum was so proud of her son, and now she will be attending all the miracle encounter services, and suggested she would be a regular NLCC member. Andrew may also join this very life group. Can we get a AMEN for God?

Another highlight was my family healing. Anne spoke to me saying that Kevin is healed, and we need to believe it. I am going to check his sugar levels to make sure his diabetis is gone for good! I believe by faith he will be made well. She also said my vitiligo will be healed. I need to rub it, and thank Jesus for the healing. In doing this, my white skin will be healed. She also mentioned that the vitiligo is connected to family stress. I need to give my family to God so he can handle them. Amen, I shall give not only my family, but everything I have for God.

I have to stop typing now, because its 12.43am. I want to close by saying how real God is. How real Jesus is. How real the Holy Spirit is. NLCC is changing right before my eyes. Day 1 ends but Day 2 is going to be bigger and bolder in the name of Jesus. I can't wait, my heart is expecting breakthrough.

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