Miracle Encounter Post Day 2

Praise God, Praise God,

Tonight was life changing for me, not because of the miracles, but because of the things God said to me through Pastor Victor. Before the encounter, I wanted my family to be saved and healed so badly. I wanted my dad to see the miracles performed in front of his very own eyes so he would know how real our God is. Even after he witnessed these things, he does not want to come to any more miracle encounters. I was worried about my father's salvation. However, I know my dad's salvation is not my burden. And Pastor Victor said something very clear today, that God does not need to show off his power. It is only by his mercy and love he does the things he does. God can transform anybody heart's instantly, giving them new ones. I do not need to worry about my family, as God is already using them in his plan. I learnt that I need to focus on my own walk with God, rather than everybody else's.

God will take care of the ones I love, because he loves them more than I do.

It is God's will that I can walk, talk, see and hear. It is God's will I can do anything as I am his perfect creation. Pastor Victor used an example of stomping his feet to the ground. The Lord spoke to him and said that it is by His will, that Pastor Victor can move his feet at all. So what can't God do? If God made the heavens and the earth - then what God cannot do? It is easy to heal somebody, because it is God's nature to restore that person to full health. God does not hold back his power, nor does he enjoy their suffering.

Kevin's sugar level appeared like a diabetic today. He was high after each meal, and low after taking his insulin shots. However there is a seed of healing inside him. A seed which is watered by faith and grown by God. His sugar levels will decrease in time, and he will be a great testimony to those who knew him as a diabetic. For my vitiligo - I have been rubbing it and it claiming by faith I am already healed.

At the end of the service, Pastor Victor annoited the whole crowd with God's awesome power. I didn't feel a massive surge of power going through my body like some may have, I didn't feel the ground shake, or the wind howling. But my faith isn't based on feelings. I received the annoiting to change the city of festivals into the city of churches once again. NLCC is going to radically change whole of SA. Can I get an AMEN from those who got annoited?

Today was not about miracles signs and wonders. It was about the heart of God. The lessons I learnt about today will stay with me forever as I walk with God. I am not the shepard of my family, God is. Amen


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