Miracle Encounter Post Day 1

Praise you Lord, for the things I have seen with my own eyes, for the things I have heard with my own ears, and for the miracles I have tasted.

I am posting this so I can always look back and remember what God has shown me today. 2 anointed pastors Victor and Judith came to NLCC, and performed signs and wonders in front of a packed church.

My role for today was camera man. As I was video taping, I noticed how pastor Victor would heal. He would first ask them what they want. They would respond and he explain to them that God made them. This was a very important point, as he said it to almost all the people he talked to. When they understood this concept, he said it was easy for God to restore them. He commanded them to walk if they were lame, talk if they were mute, and see if they were blind. Sometimes the people who needed healing didn't get healed instantly, instead Pastor Victor would move on to the next person, and they come back again when the spirit prompted him to.

The greatest of all the miracles I thought was the lame woman walking. Apparently, she was a police woman and was shot. Since then, she had suffered a lot and had to move in a wheel chair. Pastor Victor healed her in the start of the service. It happened so quickly and suddenly, like she was a normal person. She walked around for a while and the smile on her face was so joyful. Truly God is amazing.

Another miracle was my university friend Andrew who came with his mum. Andrew has been a long time friend, and a Christian. I was so filled with joy when pastor Victor approached him and asked him what he wanted. He got his back pains healed, and he had a prophetic word spoken over him. The devil was saying to him that he would never achieve anything in life. However that is a lie, and God is going to do great things using Andrew. His mum was so proud of her son, and now she will be attending all the miracle encounter services, and suggested she would be a regular NLCC member. Andrew may also join this very life group. Can we get a AMEN for God?

Another highlight was my family healing. Anne spoke to me saying that Kevin is healed, and we need to believe it. I am going to check his sugar levels to make sure his diabetis is gone for good! I believe by faith he will be made well. She also said my vitiligo will be healed. I need to rub it, and thank Jesus for the healing. In doing this, my white skin will be healed. She also mentioned that the vitiligo is connected to family stress. I need to give my family to God so he can handle them. Amen, I shall give not only my family, but everything I have for God.

I have to stop typing now, because its 12.43am. I want to close by saying how real God is. How real Jesus is. How real the Holy Spirit is. NLCC is changing right before my eyes. Day 1 ends but Day 2 is going to be bigger and bolder in the name of Jesus. I can't wait, my heart is expecting breakthrough.


    Haaaaaaaaaallelujah! Glory to God in the highest! May His kingdom be established on this earth!

    That is wonderful marcus what i read, a sudden burst of joy/adrenalin came up!!! hahahahah im sooo happy for you i really mean it. Woo, that was one Holy night of God's wonderful awesomeness beautiful presence and His mighty servant which whom He is working through!!! Glory to God marcus! Your contribution to God's kingdom ie your friend has been added in God's big book >:)


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