Miracle Encounter Post Day 4

I would like to start of by quoting John 14:13-14

"13 - And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 - If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do [it]."

For those reading, stop and think about this verse. I knew this verse before when I first became a Christian, but it was the first time the weight of the verse hit me. I had to meditate on the passage over and over, and praise God for how generous he is with his love and mercy. We can ask for all the blessings of heaven to come flowing into our bodies. Sickness? - healed, demonised? - rebuked, poor? - be rich, lonely? - God's kingdom is your new family, sad? - rejoice in being saved, stressed? - do not worry about tomorrow because God has a plan for you and it will be glorious.

Somehow, there is a new security knowing how much God loves me, and his promises are always kept.

I want to explain about Kevin's healing. After the events of yesterday, Kevin checked his sugar level at 3.00am in the morning. His sugar level was 14, quite high. He then went back to sleep and checked it again in the morning - it was 6. After eating breakfast it jumped back to 14.

From all these facts, we can see a sceptic would say Kevin is not healed. Now lets look at this biblically. Last night when Leon and Kevin prayed for healing of the diabetes, he got a 10. Kevin then got prayed over by David, Henry and myself. We asked that Jesus restore his pancreas and rebuke any sickness in Jesus name. He checked his sugar level again and it was 5. God purposely showed us something impossible by dropping a sugar reading of 10 to a 5 in a matter of minutes. It did bring glory to God, and our prayers were answered. Let me confirm at this stage, Kevin is already healed.

So why did his sugar rise the next day? Kevin's body has a brand new pancreas and it is getting adjusted to its new body. It will slowly release new insulin into his body, balancing his sugar levels over time. Another way of looking at it is plucking a leaf of a tree. The leaf has lost connection from the branch, but it still looks green. Over time, the leaf will wither and die. Just like Kevin's diabetes, it will wither away and die, allowing the healing to be seen in full glory to God.

As for my family's reaction, look at John 9. The blind man was healed and the Pharisees called his parents to confirm he was blind from birth. Did the parents start praising God straight away for healing their son? No they did not.

Jhn 9:20
His parents answered them and said, We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind:
Jhn 9:21
But by what means he now seeth, we know not; or who hath opened his eyes, we know not: he is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself.

Kevin can speak for himself to everybody that he is healed.

I will continue this post later, because receiving a holy oil annointing and blogging will take quite some time.


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