Rowans Testimony - Sunday 25th May 2008

Before entry into NLCC, I was addicted to ice, speed, acid and cocaine. The more I had the more I missed it. The more I missed it the more I had of it. However last year I went to the front for an alter call and Pastor Catherine and Anne prayed over me and suddenly, I felt the blood of Jesus wash over me. Making me a fresh, clean new person loosing the desires for drugs, and replacing it with the desire for Jesus.

What would normally take someone years of rehab, happened to me in one day.

Now the more worship I do, the more I miss it so the more I do of it, making me stronger each day. Praise the Lord our savior!

" Acts1:8 stands out to me today. For I have the power of the Holy Spirit inside of me and I'm being a witness of Jesus which is the Light of Love! Now I truly see that where ever light shines darkness will become bright with light! God Bless! "
- 24th April 2008 14:11:03

Power of Morning Devotion

Ever since I was taught how important morning devotion was, I decided to practice and put it to the test. Now every morning I must wake up at 7.00am and get breakfast ready for my little brother Kevin. I now wake up at 6.30 to start my devotion and this is what happened.

Joy. Simply joy. During mornings spent with the Lord, I just pray about my needs and confess my heart to Him. I make sure I be silent at times in case the Lord wants to say something life changing. Ive noticed that since I started morning devotions, there is something different about me. I'm having dreams, dreams with meaning about my relationships. And last night when I closed my eyes to pray, I saw hundreds of graphic design images flood into my head. Images I have never seen before in my life, come flooding in crystal clear. I quickly got a drawing pad and sketched the one's I remembered. One of them included a design for Anne's blog. Praise the Lord for that one. I have decided to only design based on images that come from the Lord.

There is a calm, peacefulness in my heart. Usually this goes away when I start the rest of my day, getting lost from the daily activities. But the change... It's brought newer security. The calmness remains throughout the entire day, morning to night.

Anne said that change is happening for those who put the Lord first. I feel this change and my time table is getting better. I no longer play games that often. Instead I use that time to study and focus on what is important. Amen.

Designers wanted

Hi everybody. Anyone who has creativity inside them and want to unleash it to the world, please join the creative ministry team. So far its only Aaron and myself but I would like others to join and multiply. It doesn't matter if you feel you don't have any talent, what matters is your heart. It doesn't just have to be graphic design. It could be paintings, drawings, sketches, whatever!

Anyway I made these to give you an idea. Size should be 1024 x 768 canvas. All designs should be submitted to or pass them to me on USB. If its a hard copy, then bring it to church and I'll take a photo. I'll submit the designs on the official website.

1995// higher

It has been around 5-6 years that I've been in New Life Christian Community, and getting accustomed from one church to another was very difficult. My church is very similar to the church here: raising me up by a huge body of people with Christ as the Head. I remembered vividly the time my parents 'strongly' encouraged me to join the youth group. I was 12 years old. Not surprisingly, I hesitated to attend the youth meetings. The people back in the 'youth dock' were of age 17-18 and were physically bigger than myself. If you saw pictures of me back then and compared it to them you'd understand! Furthermore, I knew of no one there besides my brother and didn't think I'd be able to settle in well.

The youth group was indeed very unique. My first experience there was nonetheless my most valuable experience. Youth was held on Saturday nights at the church's youth leader's house. We had a worship leader that played the guitar and one other musician that played the piano. The night started off with strong up-tempo songs. Everyone was jumping and praising the Lord in that small living room! After a while the music slowed down to worship songs and the atmosphere greatly changed in the room. Cries of adoration and exhortation were heard and everyone lifted their hands up exhorting the Lord God almighty. It came to my adolescent brain that it wasn't the very music played that was responsible for this change, but it was the deep cry of every individual that caused the presence of the Lord to fall down!

Worship lasted approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, which was really short at that time! After receiving strong words of faith and teachings from the scripture the Holy Spirit silently entered the room, and I observed first-hand the manifestation of the Holy Spirit right in front of my eyes. Something taught briefly in Sunday school happened right before my naked eyes. The heart cry of the youths turned into something extremely powerful! Suddenly, the worship leader was filled with the Holy Spirit, and started laughing vigorously. He couldn't help but fall backwards, with one hand holding his body up by clinging onto the wall, while at the same time the other hand on his stomach. I guess there was a degree of pain in his stomach caused by this laughter. The spiritual realm is really powerful! As strong as the worship leader appeared to me physically, he stumbled upon the floor and laughed, "HAHAHAHA" very loudly, trying to gain control over his every action. The others were so in-tuned with the Holy Spirit it didn't affect their communion with God.

Interestingly enough, the worship leader started rolling over in laughter and his hand touched another who was kneeling down worshiping God, and she too started laughing and rolling over. Eventually, a chain reaction was birthed and everyone experienced 'holy laughter'. It was quite funny as well. The worship leader would walk to a corner of the room towards someone who's laughter was about to die off and touch him once again. This sparked a tremendous laughter that continued the chain reaction over and over again! What a priceless sight! From that day onwards, I looked forward in meeting God. Youth started getting bigger and the church grew.

"A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. So many gathered that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them" - [Mark 2:1-2].

Why was the house full? Because Jesus was in the house :) I believe that when Jesus is with you or in anyplace, crowds will be attracted! AMEN.

All over the world, different people just like us are living lives differently, with different meanings and purpose behind each individual action. Many modern Christians are more interested in manifestations of the Lord rather than knowing Him who manifests. It is possible to have high-intensified praise music with skilled musicians and great musical arrangements AND also have the complete absence of the Lord's presence. Today, there are people standing inside churches, eyes wide open, hands in pockets, some talking to their neighbours or looking out the windows, appearing bored waiting patiently for God or the church to perform some kind of dead-raising miracle to strike their attention. What can be more heart-breaking is that some of these people are 'Christians' as well.

Imagine this: You are a salesperson selling highly ergonomic technological devises and you do door-to-door services, ringing the doorbell of each house, with a big smile on your face and a great desire to bring something of great value into another person's life. The door opens and you were greeted with a careless attitude and a monotone sigh, "Oh, its you again". How would you respond to such a greeting? Maybe brush it off and just get to 'selling of products' phase? Well, imagine that was the response you get from your wife, or family members? Would you just brush it off?

Well, would the Lord God almighty enter the house where respect, honour and reverance is not due to Him? Would the Creator of the Universe speak forth when His Word is not respected enough to be listened with open hearts? I have learnt that we cannot truely love God until we fear Him.

"A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.

The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of power,
the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD" - [Isaiah 11:1-2]

This fear is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit as we continually read and drink from the Word of God. I attended my 'missed' lesson post-encounter #1 and Anne mentioned that you can have all the knowledge provided from the Bible and not have a heart that hears God's heartbeat. That is so true for the Pharisee's were scripture geniuses, were able to quote ANY part of the scripture from their memory and YET did not recognize the awesome God manifested in man they professed with their lips to serve faithfully.

"The LORD is exalted, for he dwells on high;
he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness. He will be the sure foundation for your times,
a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge;
the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure." - [Isaiah 33:5-6]
'Holy fear is the key to God's sure foundation, unlocking the treasuries of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. Along with the love of God, it composes the very foundation of life!' You can never stop getting closer to God while living on this temporary world that He created. Let's go one level higher, and love Him so much that we fear Him!

Happy Birthday Stiggy!

Happy Birthday from all your brothers. We love ya!


I was listening to some worship music this week and these few songs, out of the many that really hit the heart, just wanted to share this with you guys! Keep praying and earnestly seek the God.

A revelation shared with workmates

A few weeks ago, during YAF worship, I felt a prompting to write an open email to my workmates about my faith. To put the enormity of this into perspective, I haven't typically talked about my faith at work. It had felt almost awkward to bring it up. Several of my workmates do know that I'm Christian. But what I felt I wanted to say, was so outside the 'normal' way of thinking, that I didn't know how to best express it. 

I stepped out of my 'boat' and acted upon this prompting. I am glad I have been able to share with them (and now also you) where I stand and what has led me there, and continues to move and lead me.
There have been some amazing things happening at my church the last few weeks. I have wanted to talk about these things with each of you, but I never really knew how to approach it. And besides, you all know that I can get pretty serious at work. :-) So here goes...

As most of you know to some degree I am Christian. The denomination and title don't really matter. But it is important to understand what my faith is in. I think that because we come from a fundamentally Christian background/country that we get so accustomed to hearing the names 'God' and 'Jesus' and various events that happened, that people feel they know enough of the 'religion'. But have ears to hear. Our faith is that there is one true God. And He is the same God as the Jewish people knew. He is the God who led the Israelites out of Egypt, famously parting the Red Sea. Because of what happened in the Garden of Eden, the direct and intimate relationship between humans and God had been broken, as sin had entered into humanity. Christians believe that the only Son of God, Jesus, became human and lived here on earth, subject to the same problems that every human faces. And in his life, he lived without sin, and offered himself as a sacrifice for mankind's sin by his death. The act of animal sacrifice was used in those days to cleanse a person of their sin. The sin would symbolically transferred from the person to the animal, conveying the sin to the sacrifice, before it was put to death. In the same way, the sin of all humanity, including the sin of future humanity was taken by the sacrifice of Jesus. As a result, our relationship with God is reconnected and our relationship with God is reconciled. A relationship with God where we can see for ourselves that God is real, loves us and can have a real influence on our lives.

First there is a korean girl in my church. She was the only christian in her family and really wants her family to come to know God. Her father was diagnosed with advanced cancer in his kidneys. The doctor put him under surgery to remove the kidney. I presume this was an attempt to stop the spread of the cancer. During this time, she was praying that her dad would accept and believe in God, because she didn't want him to die without knowing God. The surgery went fine. However when they went to confirm the cancer with tests on the removed kidney, they found no sign of cancer. He was miraculously healed! You might say, the doctor must have made a mistake, but I believe he would have had very good evidence of cancer before he would go around removing a kidney. Sometimes we hear stories of miracles and they can seem so unconnected to us that we dismiss it as fiction. But Nam Ju is real. Her father is real. And you know who I am.

Secondly, ...removed because inappropriate for this public forum... This isn't to scare you, but to show you that there are things which we say are not possible, but are in fact realities.

There is a heaven and and a hell. Life isn't just about doing good. It is not just about another religion, ultimately leading to the same thing. It does matter who you stand for and whom your faith is in.

For those of you who have thought that there was no God, I hope this has made you think again.
For those of you who know God, I hope this has increased your desire to know more of Him.

A seed is thrown out and it's calling for a plough
- Bill Johnson, Bethel Church (sermon titled 'What part of finished don't you understand')

1hour after


P/S: Prayer Meeting This Wednesday Night

NLCC Projects

I would just like to share the excitement in my heart. To those who read this, you may not be aware of the projects going on in this church.

Here's a list of the current events (updated 3 May 2008)

1 - Worship team music album*
2 - Henry's audio testimony CD (featuring all the testimonies from everybody at church)
3 - A community based website created by Sam for the people of this magnificent church. (Including many fresh ideas featuring an interactive notice board)
4 - A general church website ( which is going to be viewed by the millions when they download P. Chris' sermons each week.
5 - The blogs going around including this one. Aaron is making a central blog for the whole of NLCC to post their testimonies. However each cell group should have their own blogs for more in depth and personal sharing.
6 - Evangelizing fever! Stig and Dan's crusade to save the people day by day.
7 - A new curtain backdrop for the organ pipes.

8 - Buying a bigger church for the thousands (millions?) when NLCC explodes in population.

Any other projects out there which I haven't mentioned? Tell me and I'll update this post. Let this be a reminder of the opportunities which God has given us to reach out.

Want to be involved? or have your own project in mind? Let us know!

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