Designers wanted

Hi everybody. Anyone who has creativity inside them and want to unleash it to the world, please join the creative ministry team. So far its only Aaron and myself but I would like others to join and multiply. It doesn't matter if you feel you don't have any talent, what matters is your heart. It doesn't just have to be graphic design. It could be paintings, drawings, sketches, whatever!

Anyway I made these to give you an idea. Size should be 1024 x 768 canvas. All designs should be submitted to or pass them to me on USB. If its a hard copy, then bring it to church and I'll take a photo. I'll submit the designs on the official website.


    On May 22, 2008 Cookie said...

    Wow Marcus!
    these are really good :D

    Loving the post encounter and SOL images.

    And if I can, I'd love to help out with any design or grunt work. Though, I'm not sure how much time I can put into it.

    Great Wallpapers :D

    On May 22, 2008 L said...

    haha woww..
    they look greatXD

    can't wait for our creative ministry to be up and running =)

    On May 23, 2008 Aaron said...

    hey nice design for hillsong church looks very pro.

    Looks like your pushing on your ministry :)) nice work!

    BTW.... is the little tree in the G12 our church logo?

    On May 24, 2008 Marcus said...

    I don't think thats the official logo... Anne wanted something like a baby flower stem growing. Design away :D

    On May 24, 2008 Aaron said...

    nah cant really think of anything. im not too canny with that you do that. :))

    On May 25, 2008 Adrian said...

    WOW!!! Marcus those are crazy crazy AMAZING!! I absolutely LOVED it!!!

    And the NLCC test site was TERRIFIC!!

    OMG you are really getting me so excited. I cant wait to see how everything changes as you place your art work all over. Its so wonderful!! Professional!!


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