
I was listening to some worship music this week and these few songs, out of the many that really hit the heart, just wanted to share this with you guys! Keep praying and earnestly seek the God.


    On May 14, 2008 L said...

    lol the site for the player is called
    my flash fetish .com hahahahas XD
    very intresting..hmmm

    On May 15, 2008 Aaron said...

    Verse 11

    They overcame him
    by the blood of the Lamb
    and by the word of their testimony;
    they did not love their lives so much
    as to shrink from death.

    On May 15, 2008 Anonymous said...

    Cheers for putting these songs up Aaron. When I hear the song, 'We Will Overcome', I can picture a mass of people bow down in awe of Jesus for who He is and what He has done. Our faces are lifted up for we know that the victory is ours through Jesus and we are just praising and worshipping the Lord in thankfulness, spirit and in truth.
    Praise the Lord!

    On May 17, 2008 Aaron said...

    hehe yeah!

    such joy unspeakable that wont go away, where God gives us just enough strength to live for the day, so we'll never have to worry about what tmrw will bring, cos our faith's on solid rock, we'll be trusting on GOD!

    great yaf tnite :) great leading henry! Andd... thanks Dad! For showing you everlasting love every friday making it special


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