Power of Morning Devotion

Ever since I was taught how important morning devotion was, I decided to practice and put it to the test. Now every morning I must wake up at 7.00am and get breakfast ready for my little brother Kevin. I now wake up at 6.30 to start my devotion and this is what happened.

Joy. Simply joy. During mornings spent with the Lord, I just pray about my needs and confess my heart to Him. I make sure I be silent at times in case the Lord wants to say something life changing. Ive noticed that since I started morning devotions, there is something different about me. I'm having dreams, dreams with meaning about my relationships. And last night when I closed my eyes to pray, I saw hundreds of graphic design images flood into my head. Images I have never seen before in my life, come flooding in crystal clear. I quickly got a drawing pad and sketched the one's I remembered. One of them included a design for Anne's blog. Praise the Lord for that one. I have decided to only design based on images that come from the Lord.

There is a calm, peacefulness in my heart. Usually this goes away when I start the rest of my day, getting lost from the daily activities. But the change... It's brought newer security. The calmness remains throughout the entire day, morning to night.

Anne said that change is happening for those who put the Lord first. I feel this change and my time table is getting better. I no longer play games that often. Instead I use that time to study and focus on what is important. Amen.


    On May 28, 2008 L said...

    Amen Marcus!
    Keep up the good work, and surely God will reward you :)

    God bless brutha!

    On May 29, 2008 Su said...

    Best ideas are always inspired by the Holy Spirit! Keep it up. With Him on our side, everything becomes easy, be it healing, designing, preaching, loving...

    The creativity within your hands is God's gift unto you. We must not make excuses to avoid doing what God calls us to do. He does expect, and reward, creative use of the opportunities for service, which are open to us. We are to use His gifts responsibly, but also adventurously.

    We only are stewards and caretakers, not owners so He will take care of everything.

    I expect to see great things from you!!


    On May 29, 2008 anne said...

    AMEN! Change will occur in YOUR life - continually!

    Starting the day without devotion is like going to battle without your sword.

    MORNING devotion prepares us for the day ahead - NIGHTLY communion commits all the events that occurred, the emotions felt, etc. to the LORD so you can rest and not just sleep.


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