Happy Birthday Stiggy!

Happy Birthday from all your brothers. We love ya!


    On May 19, 2008 L said...

    hohoho nice work marcus ;)
    looks awesome haha..
    Happy birthday Uncle Stiggy :P

    On May 19, 2008 Aaron said...

    happy bdaaaaaaaaaaay stig! Not only are you a year older, but a year wiser and stronger in the Lord. im so glad theres such strong spirit and great desire to serve from you , our beloved Father in heaven!!

    You are a great inspiration and a (role... hehe) model to many!

    Stig-a-mundo, your life journey has just begun!

    P/s: love the pictures hahah!

    Many blessings!

    On May 19, 2008 anne said...

    Hi Guys! Who took the great photos?
    Wow.. very nicely done!

    On May 20, 2008 Anonymous said...

    hahaha, I really like the photos Marcus :-)

    Hope you like the present Stiggy from the group and may the Lord reveal new revelations to you as you journey through the book.

    God Bless brothers!!


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